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Rectangular Bin Flat Bottom
Rectangular Bin Flat Bottom
Rectangular Bin Flat Bottom

The rectangular flat bottom bins are likely the rectangular hopper bins, it's more suitable to store variety kind of grains with small capacity. Each bin can be done with capacity from 50 tons to 200 tons. The rectangular bins are connected to each other to build more strength, each bin has vertical stiffeners and bracings to give maximum supports. Because there is no legs and hopper, so the total height can be shorter, which helps the structure to meet the earthquake requirement, the maximum strength can reach 7.0 on the Richter Scale. Alminco's rectangular flat bottom bin has unique design, which allows the grain discharge by natural gravity. There is another unique design that cleans up the remaining grain 100%, the user does not have to go inside and clean up anymore.
Alminco retangular flat bottom bins can stand against wind load 120MPH. The bins are covered by insulation sheets, which can prevent sunlight heat, also prevent raining and water leaking.

The photo is in black & white to show the feature. There is support structure under roof sheets to support the weight of catwalk, chain conveyor, and other accessories.

On the bins, there is enough room for conveyor and human service, which is save to walk.

The bin has vertical stiffeners and several bracings to give maximum strength. It helps to reduce deforming after loading the grains, and also to stand against the earthquake. All the parts are connected by 8-degree galvanized bolts and nuts, to avoid rust by welding. The material of bin is made of high tension steel with painting, Alminco also supply the choice of using galvanized steel or stainless steel.

The flat bottom design helps to stand against earthquake.

The unique discharging design can clean out the grain, no more labor cleaning inside the bin.

The flat bottom bin has full floor aeration system, which gives best performance.

Alminco provides most efficient temperature monitoring system. It shows all the temperatures of all the bins on one panel, so it's easy to understand the condition inside the bins.
Model: ASF Series
Dimension: Standard 3M x 3M, 4M x 4M, 5M x 5M or depending on capacity and other factors
Capacity: Maximum 250MT/bin (Paddy Rice)
Material:: ASTM qualified steel, black steel, galvanized, or stainless
Stiffener: Vertical stiffener with bracing
Earthquake load: 7.0 on the Richter Scale
Wind load: Max. 120MPH
Standard accessories :
*Roof manhole w/ cap
*Roof platform
*Roof handrail (only for bins w/out insilation)
*Roof vent
*Service manhole w/ double layer doors on sidewall
*Vertical stiffener with bracing
*Discharging system

Photo of roof manhole and temperature cable

Photo of roof vents

Photo of service manhole on sidewall

Photo of silo insulation
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Rectangular Bin Hopper Bottom
It's more suitable to store variety kind of grains with small capacity. Each bin can be done with capacity from 50 tons to 200 tons. The rectangular bins are connected to each other to build more strength, each bin has vertical stiffeners and bracings to give maximum supports, the maximum strength can reach 7.0 on the Richter Scale. It can stand against the windload up to 120MPH. The hopper is 45 degrees and easy to discharge without power consumption. Alminco also provides the service of insulation to prevent sun heat, also prevent raining and water leaking. 1.Legs & Bracings 2.Lateral Rings & Hoppers 3.Bin Body & Stiffeners 4.Roof & Rails IMPORTANT FEATURE: All the structures are designed by professional engineerings. There is support structure under roof sheets to support the weight of catwalk, chain conveyor, and other accessories. On the bins, there is enough room for conveyor and human service, which is save to walk. The bin has vertical stiffeners and several bracings to give maximum strength. It helps to reduce deforming after loading the grains, and also to stand against the earthquake. All the parts are connected by 8-degree galvanized bolts and nuts, to avoid rust by welding. The material of bin is made of high tension steel with painting, Alminco also supply the choice of using galvanized steel or stainless steel. Alminco use big size of H beam legs and bracings to stand against the earthquake. Inside the 45 degree hopper, we design the smooth surface to prevent bridge problem. The perforate air duct is installed inside the hopper to aerate the cool air for grains. Photo of air duct outside the bins Alminco provides most efficient temperature monitoring system. It shows all the temperatures of all the bins on one panel, so it's easy to understand the condition inside the bins. Specification: Model: ASH SeriesDimension: Standard 3M x 3M, 4M x 4M, 5M x 5M or depending on capacity and other factorsCapacity: Maximum 300MT/bin (Paddy Rice)Material:: ASTM qualified steel, black steel, galvanized, or stainlessStiffener: Vertical stiffener with bracingEarthquake load: 7.0 on the Richter ScaleWind load: Max. 120MPHStandard accessories :*Roof manhole w/ cap*Roof platform*Roof handrail (only for bins w/out insilation)*Roof vent*Service manhole w/ double layer doors on hopper*Vertical stiffener with bracing*Legs and bracings*45 degree hopper Photo of roof manhole and temperature cable Photo of roof vents Photo of service manhole w/ double layer doors on hopper Photo of silo insulation Alminco also supply small size of rectangular bins indoor.Round Bin Flat Bottom
The round flat bottom silo is suitable for large storage capacity, from hundred tons to twenty thousand tons per silo. There are many diameter and specification to satisfy your needs. There is automatic sweep auger to clean out the remaining grain after discharging, this helps site workers reducing the cleaning time. The flat bottom silo has one big advantage by using the full floor system to give best aeration performance especially if you are using cooling air for the grain, the full floor system has very low percentage of dead angles on aeration. The round flat bottom silo has better structure to stand against the earthquake, Alminco uses the seismic factor to design the silo structure, from seismic zone 0 to maximum zone 4. The silo can stand against maximum windload upon 155MPH also. The silo uses galvanization G115 (350g/m2), which is higher than other round silo suppliers in the market, and could be upgraded to a higher galvanization by request. All the silo parts are connected by 8 Grade galvanized bolts and nuts, we also provide extra galvanized painting to extend the life of silo. IMPORTANT FEATURE: Usually the round flat bottom silo has bigger diameter; therefore, it's important to have strong roof with enough peak load. Alminco offers roof with strong support structure, give maximum peak load 25,000 LBS. It helps to stand against typhoon and storm upon 155MPH windload. Eave ring gives secured safety for workers and prevent falling risk. Alminco also supply side draw system, without using any power unit, the grain can be discharged to the trucks. Photo of side draw system inside The sweep auger deliver grains into discharge sump by rorating in the silo. The Alminco push tractor can be added on the sweep auger to improve the performance. The full floor aeration has better efficiency than double T and double H aeration layout. The full floor aeration also keeps grain on steel surface without direct contact on concrete floor, to prevent moisture from concrete and cause grain deterioration. Specification: Model: CB SeriesDiameter: From 5M to 35MCapacity: Maximum 20,000 MT per silo (corn)Material: ASTM High Tension Galvanized SteelGalvanization: G115 (350g/m2) or HigherSidewall Width: 107.7cmCorrugate Space: 11.97cmStiffener: Outside stiffener (vertical)Earthquake Load: Seismic Zone 0 - 4Wind Load: 80MPH - 155MPHRoof Peak Load: Max. 25,000 LBSStandard Accessories :*Roof manhole with cap*Roof ladder*Roof safety ring*Roof vent*Inside ladder*Service manhole with 2 layer doors on sidewall*Vertical stiffener Photo of roof manhole with cap, and roof ladder Photo of inside ladder Service manhole with 2 layer doors on sidewallRound Bin Hopper Bottom
The round hopper bottom silo is suitable for both small and large storage capacity, from less than hundred tons to more than a thousand tons per silo. There are many diameter and specification to satisfy your needs. With 45 degree hopper (customized hopper is acceptable), the grain can discharge by natural gravity, no need labor to clean out. Because there is additional height of legs, Alminco designs steel structure legs and concrete structure base to meet your area building code for earthquake requirement. The silo can stand against maximum windload upon 150MPH also. The silo uses galvanization G115 (350g/m2) for standard, and could be upgraded to a higher galvanization by request. All the silo parts are assembled by 8 Grade high tenstion galvanized bolts, we also provide extra galvanized painting to extend the life of silo. The biggest advantage of Alminco engineering is that all the structures and conveyors can be designed and simulate in PC for 3D previewing. This helps to confirm the details and avoid mistakes during installation. IMPORTANT FEATURE: The roof must prevent raining and water leaking, also strong enough for winload. Alminco supplies roof structure upon 155MPH windload, which stand against to storm and typhoon. Almin also provide optional stainless roof sheets and vents to prevent rusting. Eave Guard (rails) gives secured safety for workers and prevent falling risk. Alminco engineering has designed strong legs and bracings for hopper bottom silo to reach higher building code. Except the steel legs, Alminco also provides concrete base as another option. The concrete base is built with the floor, which allow service people walking safely. Inside the silo, Alminco designs a smooth surface between the compression rings and hopper pannels, this can avoid bridging problem. Specification: Model: CHT SeriesDiameter: Max. 12MCapacity: Maximum 1,500 MT per silo (corn)Material: ASTM High Tension Galvanized SteelGalvanization: G115 (350g/m2) or HigherSidewall Width: 107.7cmCorrugate Space: 11.97cmStiffener: Outside stiffener (vertical)Earthquake Load: Seismic Zone 0 - 4Wind Load: 80MPH - 155MPHRoof Peak Load: Max. 25,000 LBSStandard Accessories :*Roof manhole with cap*Roof ladder*Roof safety guard (rails)*Roof vent*Inside ladder*Service manhole with 2 layer doors on sidewall*Outside ladder from GL to service door*Vertical stiffener*Steel structure legs and bracings*45 degree hopper Photo of roof manhole with cap, and roof ladder Photo of inside ladder Service manhole with 2 layer doors on sidewallStorage Management
Features:The system includes the complete softwares and hardwares, which contain silo insulation, grain cooler, insulated air duct, electronic air valves, temperature monitoring equipment, grain capacity measurement, PC server and programming, and network management. The system is fully automatic and it does not require any operators. The paddy rice can easily store more than 2 years by using the system after testing with clients. Analyzing, & Smart Decision:The system does not just control the grain cooler by grain temperature, it has more to do with analyzing all the environmental data. The system is developed with more than 20 years technology and experience in cooling the paddy, Alminco Automatic Management system analyze all the data of grain temperature change, moisture contain, grain volume, ambient change, and machine performance. The system will calculate the safety storage for each bin, and logically determine the sequence, cooling time and period for every silos. This system is applicable for any capacity, any quantity of silos and grain coolers. It can manage more than 20 silos and more than 5 grain coolers together. The system also has the feature to save energy, decrease the power consumption. It also has emergency back-up system, when it detects any hardware problem. The emergency manual control is also available. The module design on the hardware makes it easy to replace the damaged parts, the system can be back online shortly. Network Management and Alert:The system is applicable with internet, you can use your tablet PC or mobile phone loggin in your exclusive web-based system, checking all the data of any silo in any site, in any region, and even in any country. You can also set-up the system automatically sending you a brief status report to your email, or automatically send an alert message to your mobile phone, when the grain temperature is higher than the setting point. Strong and Reliable Team:The system is developed together by Taiwanese government, Taiwanese National University, and Almin Enterprise Co., Ltd. With strong back up and teamwork, the system is reliable and efficient. Moreover, we are continously developing the system, more features with more advantages will be coming soon, and we will keep updating the system for clients. Check your data by tablet PC or mobile phone anytime anywhere Exclusive web-based system to manage all your sites at onceSilo Insulation
In cooling storage system, the grain cooler is not enough to keep the low temperature condition inside the silo, the cool energy could be lost within a few days, we must insulate the silo and that's why Alminco has developed insulation system. After time to time, Alminco keeps improved the insulation and obtain the patent. However, Alminco has given-up the patent and allow everyone using it on their silos, we feel proud of the way we are doing it because we believe this technology should bring benefits to all the users. The silo insulation has an bonus, the user can use the same color like the factory or put the logos and names on the insulation sidewall, it has excellent effect to use as an commercial advertisement. There are 3 parts of silo that should be taking care of, the roof, the sidewall, and the bottom. For the round silo, Alminco use PU spraying under the roof sheets for insulation (left photo). For the rectangular bins, because it has the insulation sheets on the top of bins (right photo), so there is no need to use PU anymore. The sidewall should be covered by insulation sheets, for the round silo, it needs to add extra frames so the insulation sheets can be screwed on the frames, the it helps the structure of sidewall to be more stronger. The sidewall of rectangular bins has frames already, so the insulation sheets can be screwed on directly. Only the hopper bins need to do the insulation. Alminco use special PU to spray on the hopper, and it would be better if the ducting can be covered by PU also.Cooling Storage
Before the time of cooling storage, there are many problems in storage, so the storing period can not be long. Therefore, Alminco has cooperated with Taiwanese Government and agricultural experts to develop cooling storage system, which helps to improve the grain quality and store longer period. The advantage of cooling storage:1)Keep grains in good quality and fresh. In practical use, the paddy can be safely stored more than 3 years.2)Reduce the heat from grain itself, and prevent deterioration.3)Restrain propagation of insects and bacteria, from pratical experiences, there is no aflatoxin in the corn for 3 month in cooling storage.4)Eliminate thermal energy and maintain the quality of grain.5)Avoid condensation water inside the silo.6)Get rid of musty smell.7)Restrain paddy lipase. 8) Store in the condition that you desire, the humidity and temperature can be adjusted for different kind of grain for different purposes. The heart of cooling storage system is the grain cooler (chiller), the left photo is the water cooling type, it needs a water tower to cool down the machine, the advantage is low noise. The right photo is the air cooling type, the machine has exhaust fans to cool down the machine, the advantage is that air cooling type can be moved to use as long as there is power. Specification of Grain Cooler: (The chillers are tested in Taiwan, the performance could be changed due to different conditions at site; Alminco also reserves the rights to change specification without further notice.) Model Water cooling typeHW-200Air cooling typeHC-200 Water cooling typeHW-400Air cooling typeHC-400 Water cooling typeHW-600Air cooling typeHC-600 Compressor 20HP 40HP 60HP Anti-heat fan 1.5HP x 2(only for HC-200) 2HP x 4(only for HC-400) 3HP x 6(only for HC-600) Cooling fan 10HP 15HP 40HP Computerized controlling heater 5KW x 2 5KW x 2 5KW x 3 Power supply(3 phase) 220V x 100A 220V x 250A 220V x 350A Diameter of duct 300mm 450mm 500mm Machine size(L x W x H) 250 x 170 x 210cm 290 x 190 x 230cm 320 x 210 x 250cm Compressor capacity 47,700Kcal/hr 106,098Kcal/hr 133,644Kcal/hr Handling capacity(based on Taiwan's climate) 120T-150T/day(for paddy) 180T-230T/day(for paddy) 300T-350T/day(for paddy) AQ 161cmm 161cmm 200cmm Net weight 1,800kg 2,300kg 3,000kg The photos show the control panel and control box, the whole system is managed by micro computer, the compressors can be switch on and off by different stages, so the power energy can be saved. Besides, it can control the constant temperature and moisture to ensure the air condition is under control. The panel has some push button and indicator lights, the main control is done on the touch screen. It's easy to operate and it has emergency stop if the operator makes mistakes on controlling. The ducting plays an important character although it looks simple in the system. The most of the cooling energy would be wasted more than 15% if the ducting is not doing properly; therefore, it's better to insulate the ducts with PU or some insulating materials. For the ducting control, Alminco supply the close type valve with wheel handle. It's easy to open and close, there is indicator marks to show how much you can open. No matter it's hopper bottom or flat bottom, the aeration system must meet the needs of air volume to give best performance. The roof vents are also part of aeration system. Alminco supply different kinds of roof vents. When the cooling air is coming from the bottom aeration, the roof vents allow the hot air exhausting to outside, to prevent the hot air stay under the roof and become condensation. Alminco has more than 15 years experience in cooling technology, and we have reliable quality of cooling machines. Except for the local support, We also export the coolers to overseas. If you need more information, please contact Alminco office.