Chain Conveyor
Chain Conveyor
Chain Conveyor

Alminco chain conveyor is designed to be heavy duty and commercial standard, capable to use several times in a year. The whole design is for outdoor use, which is completely water proof. The casing is made of galvanized steel to ensure long life time quality. The head section includes the reduction motor and use chain to drive the axial. The boot section includes the chain adjustor. Alminco also supply additional recycle cup, clean out brush, RPM detector, and dust collecting system to meet your satisfaction.

Alminco chain conveyor is most efficient system that deliver the grain without crumble problem. The biggest capacity reaches 300MT/Hr.

Except for horizontal chain conveyor, Alminco also supplys incline conveyor, curve conveyor, and double deck 2 way conveyor.

Alminco uses different type of chain for different capacity and purpose. All the attachment of chain includes the plastic paddles. The left photo is 81X roller chain, the right photo is D667K pintle chain.

We also supply different material of chain, such as the stainless steel chain.

The chain conveyor provides both roller type and rail type according to different design.

Alminco offers the service for extra galvanized painting to give longer lifetime. The photo also shows the RPM sensor which helps monitoring the working condition.

The loading chain conveyor needs catwalk to support the weight. The catwalk includes the sdiewalk, handrail, and service platform with safety cage.

The catwalk has supports that's extended from stiffeners, or use additional peak supports on the top of silo.

The unloading chain conveyor must have enough room for service, the conveyor in the photo is installed in a tunnel under the silo.